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High-performance Java Persistence Pdf 20: Boost Your Java Persistence Performance with Advanced Conc

Hibernate is a Java-based persistence framework and an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework that basically allows a developer to map POJO - plain old Java objects - to relational database tables.

High-performance Java Persistence Pdf 20

The aim of hibernate framework is to free the developer from the common data persistence-related complex configurations and tasks. It does so by mapping the POJO objects with the database tables efficiently and most importantly in an abstract manner.

Criteria API in Hibernate helps developers to build dynamic criteria queries on the persistence database. Criteria API is a more powerful and flexible alternative to HQL (Hibernate Query Language) queries for creating dynamic queries.

session.lock() method is used to reattach a detached object to the session. session.lock() method does not check for any data synchronization between the database and the object in the persistence context and hence this reattachment might lead to loss of data synchronization.

Hibernate is the most powerful open source ORM tool that is used for mapping java objects with the database structures at run time. It has become more popular among software developers due to its nature of abstraction allowing developers to continue application development by being database independent and focus just on the application business logic.

The data service is Appian's next-generation data persistence layer. It provides better performance, higher reliability, and increased security for application data. Currently, the data service is used to store user-saved filters and serves as the storage layer for record types with data sync enabled.

Very good tutorial, just one issue i ran into : mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.javacodegeeks.ultimate -DartifactId=jpashould be mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.javacodegeeks.ultimate -DartifactId=jpaThat is it from me for now :)

The line 58 ( in the full source code should be like in the chapter 5.3List resultList = entityManager.createQuery(from Geek g where g.favouriteProgrammingLanguage ..entityManager.createQuery(from Geek where favouriteProgrammingLanguage .. (without alias) causes the exceptionAn identification variable must be provided for a range variable declaration

getStartDate() and getEndDate() in should be annotated with @Temporal(DATE)because of exceptionThe attribute [endDate] from the entity class [class jpa.entity.Period] does not specify a temporal type. A temporal type must be specified for persistent fields or properties of type java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. 2ff7e9595c

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